Monday, December 19, 2011

just a little bit

Hello bloggiest! Hello everyone! Hello dude! Hello Monday! Now, i don't wanna complain about Monday as usual. I'm free today yeaaah :D *give me applause guys! give me applause* i'm not attending school these day because i think, there will be no lesson after exam. can i say? It seems like classmeeting! ya, just classmeeting (oh okay actually, it can't called classmeeting bcs...errggh yeah you know what i mean :@) So complicated if i tell you about the actually happens. I imagining that it will boring if i'm in school now. I could do anything at home all day long. Watching tv program, watching dvd, browsing, reading a novel, taking photos, or etc that i want!! Yes, just one day! Just one day before i return on super busy school activities. I never feel bored with those activity because i like what i do everyday :) I love my job.

So, i ought grateful to Allah for this life. As long as i still has a chance to enjoy it, i don't want to complain. Keep smile and take care yourself dude... xoxo

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