Sunday, July 20, 2014
How do you treat people?
Sometimes you have to step down from your level and treat people the same way they treat you. It might make them see who they really are and it might make them fall deeper into their pathetic life. Either way... despite our goodness and kind hearts, it does feel good to give those people what they deserve sometimes.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
An Interview With Labibah (just for fun)
This post is just for fun! some of questions are inspired from Some are real answers and some are just made up story (remember, i made this post is only for entertaining you! haha). So, check it out....
Q: Hallo, Labibah. How was your day? I heard that you are very busy in this Ramadhan Month... could you tell me what's your activity lately?
A: Hey.. i'm good Alhamdulillah. Ya, that's very true. I have some schedules like; charity event, training to improve my quality in teaching, breakfasting with my friends and photoshoot. But actually, hahaha... my real activity is only teaching and campus-ing, but for now, i'm in the break at campus for about 3 months. So, i can focus for that.
Q: What is your occupation actually?
A: Well, i'm a student at Ibnu Khaldun University. But i'm an English teacher after that hahaha. I teach in Simple English Course. Umm... and then... i'm a daughter of Mr. Amron and Mrs. Suginem at home. Wahahaha :p (laughing so hard)
Q: So, you are studying about teachers and English at the same time at campus?
A: Umm.. yess. I take English Education in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science or Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan in Indonesian language. So, i can get either English and knowledge about how to be a teacher.
Q: Does become a teacher is your idea?
A: Not really, i don't want people saying that i must be a teacher as the future because that is not my real goal. Let say, i have so many dreams like; being a designer, writer, freelance, and also being a housewife. So, i don't want to get judge 'you have to be a teacher'. I believe that God has prepared the other plan.
Q: Okay, are you kids lovers by the way?
A: Yess i'm. Hahahaha... They are very cute and plain. Whenever i talk to them, i can forget so many bad things because they give me a positive aura. There are no drama, rude words, sarcasm and any other negative things when you talk to kids. And one thing, i love to pinch their cheek very much hahaha (laughing so hard). I can't stand to not to pinch their cheek, because they are too adorable hihi. Sounds cruel, but yeah.. as long as they enjoy that, i don't even scare to pinch hahaa.
Q: Do you study about kids psychology?
A: Yess i do. I have ever studied twice about psychology. And it's so interesting. It is like "oooh.. so I have been wrong during this time" hahaha. And you'll feel guilty because you just knew the truth.
Q: Do you like photograph? What kind of object that you often to take ?
A: Photography? yes i do like but i don't have any DSLR or SLR camera. I just shoot what's around me by my phone, then i give a bit of effect in photoshop or any other software. Just as simple as that :)
Q: Can you tell me how is your personality?
A: Ummm... (thinking). I can be fussy and calm down at the same time. Ya, my friends and my family said that they can't predict my emotion. I'm a moody, I can change my mood easily depend on my feeling and the environment around me. I laugh easier, I can say the cruel words directly to the people who is so annoying. I can hide my feelings but i can't control my desire to tell 'what's going happen actually to me'.
Q: So, the last but not least. Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Unique, cute, moody.
Q: Thanks for the interview, Labibah. I enjoyed every single conversation with you. Hope i can get the second chance to having conversation with you and your boyfriend.
A: With my pleasure :) nice to share my story to you too. Ya, aamiin :) success for us!
Q: Hallo, Labibah. How was your day? I heard that you are very busy in this Ramadhan Month... could you tell me what's your activity lately?
A: Hey.. i'm good Alhamdulillah. Ya, that's very true. I have some schedules like; charity event, training to improve my quality in teaching, breakfasting with my friends and photoshoot. But actually, hahaha... my real activity is only teaching and campus-ing, but for now, i'm in the break at campus for about 3 months. So, i can focus for that.
Q: What is your occupation actually?
A: Well, i'm a student at Ibnu Khaldun University. But i'm an English teacher after that hahaha. I teach in Simple English Course. Umm... and then... i'm a daughter of Mr. Amron and Mrs. Suginem at home. Wahahaha :p (laughing so hard)
Q: So, you are studying about teachers and English at the same time at campus?
A: Umm.. yess. I take English Education in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science or Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan in Indonesian language. So, i can get either English and knowledge about how to be a teacher.
Q: Does become a teacher is your idea?
A: Not really, i don't want people saying that i must be a teacher as the future because that is not my real goal. Let say, i have so many dreams like; being a designer, writer, freelance, and also being a housewife. So, i don't want to get judge 'you have to be a teacher'. I believe that God has prepared the other plan.
Q: Okay, are you kids lovers by the way?
A: Yess i'm. Hahahaha... They are very cute and plain. Whenever i talk to them, i can forget so many bad things because they give me a positive aura. There are no drama, rude words, sarcasm and any other negative things when you talk to kids. And one thing, i love to pinch their cheek very much hahaha (laughing so hard). I can't stand to not to pinch their cheek, because they are too adorable hihi. Sounds cruel, but yeah.. as long as they enjoy that, i don't even scare to pinch hahaa.
Q: Do you study about kids psychology?
A: Yess i do. I have ever studied twice about psychology. And it's so interesting. It is like "oooh.. so I have been wrong during this time" hahaha. And you'll feel guilty because you just knew the truth.
Q: Do you like photograph? What kind of object that you often to take ?
A: Photography? yes i do like but i don't have any DSLR or SLR camera. I just shoot what's around me by my phone, then i give a bit of effect in photoshop or any other software. Just as simple as that :)
Q: Can you tell me how is your personality?
A: Ummm... (thinking). I can be fussy and calm down at the same time. Ya, my friends and my family said that they can't predict my emotion. I'm a moody, I can change my mood easily depend on my feeling and the environment around me. I laugh easier, I can say the cruel words directly to the people who is so annoying. I can hide my feelings but i can't control my desire to tell 'what's going happen actually to me'.
Q: So, the last but not least. Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Unique, cute, moody.
Q: Thanks for the interview, Labibah. I enjoyed every single conversation with you. Hope i can get the second chance to having conversation with you and your boyfriend.
A: With my pleasure :) nice to share my story to you too. Ya, aamiin :) success for us!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Credit: tumblr
I learner the hard way that i cannot always count on others to respect my feelings. Even if i respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people, too.
You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.
What i feel lately
I don't know what kind of feeling is this...
Sometimes, you can be an annoying, careless, and bossy. But behind of that, i was secretly touched with a bit of your attention. Ya, just a bit.
I shouldn't have this feeling. It's not supposed to be happen.
Monday, June 16, 2014
How if I was a vampire?
Since GGS has been airing on television, i become interested in vampire. Eventhough i know that GGS is adopted from Twilight (the main characters are similar to the twilight), but the only one reason why i often watch it because of Kevin Julio is there (haha). Then, with the curiosity that drives me to be 'kepo', i start to browse what are the characteristics of vampire until i found a pict of vampire was biting the victim. Not really cool yet scary -__-
One day, when i didn't have anything to do on Sunday, i tried to make an experiment with make up. I was thinking about the theme, but suddenly i remember that i have ever had intention to try make up with a vampire style. Aha! .
I imagine how is vampire's appearance in movies. Of course with the pale face (i gave much foundation), dark fringe eyes (eyeliner exactly!), little touch of red around the eyes, and i gave red lipstick to make sexy impression. For the hijab, i choose red hijab to get a 'sexy and elegant' vampire and i wore it with the simple style.

One day, when i didn't have anything to do on Sunday, i tried to make an experiment with make up. I was thinking about the theme, but suddenly i remember that i have ever had intention to try make up with a vampire style. Aha! .
I imagine how is vampire's appearance in movies. Of course with the pale face (i gave much foundation), dark fringe eyes (eyeliner exactly!), little touch of red around the eyes, and i gave red lipstick to make sexy impression. For the hijab, i choose red hijab to get a 'sexy and elegant' vampire and i wore it with the simple style.
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is this pale enough? |
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are you suspicious that i'm a vampire? |
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vampires are rarely to smiling |

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I'm ready to bite you! |
Just for fun, guys! i hope it can make an inspiration for you. Thanks for visited
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
My Love Story
have been in a relationship since May, 6 2012. It means that we have built our
loves for about 2 years. He was my classmate in Vocational High School in
Bogor, and we met at the first time when we were in second grade. Oh ya, he was
a new student. He moved from Bandung and now, he is living in Bogor. So
actually, he is originally Sundanese. First impression when i saw him was like:
he is tall, has got fair skin, he is calm down and a little bit awkward. I’d
like to say that he was a geek. Maybe it’s because of this is the first time he
joined our school, so he still needed to adapt with new friends and new environment. At
the point, i wasn’t interesting to him at all.
“who is that?” asked me to my friend, Novi.
“He is a new student, beh!” answered her.
“Really? such a weirdos” said me.
“Yeah but i think he needs to have make over just a little, so he
will be more handsome hahahaha”
“Yeah whatever, Nov”
One day, when we had a movie classs, i sat down on his chair. He
moved to the other chair. He put the black sweatshirt which i remember the
written was “Jack Daniel” on the chair. Then, randomnly, i took the sweeatshirt
and i smelled his black sweatshirt. Oh my goodddd... it was very fragrant. What
a good smell. That wasn’t a smell of perfume, but a smell of clothes washes.
It’s very unusual for a man who usually their sweatshirt has a bad smell. That
was the second impression of him. Moreover, i like a boy who has a good smell.
In the class, he used to sleep while studying. I saw him from my
chair in the far distance. He had never done his homework, smoking, lied to
teachers, skipped the class for 3 days without any reason, and i used to see
him as a bad boy. From his appearance, he was seen like he had drunk and
consume narcotics. It was seen by his eyes.. very weak, had no spirit, and
“Look at Danny, he is very weak. I guess he consumes a medicine
for dopping” said one of my friend.
But, behind of his attitude, he is a loyal person. Kind a person
who has a principe that friendship is number one. Solidarity in friendship
should be kept because it’s very important. I said like this because I have
ever seen that he always helped our friends who needed help. And he keeps
carefully the relationship between our friend because he doesn’t want to have
an enemy. What a cool princip! However,
i still don’t understand about him. And of course, i haven’t had felt yet for
him at that time.
One day he asked my number on facebook message for asking an
assignment that was given from our teacher, of course i gave my number without
any expectation. No need to wait for a long time, he texted me first:
“who is this?”
“I’m Danny. Are you bibeh, right?”
“Ohahaha... yees dan”
First from all, that was our text message. In the end, he didn’t
even ask me about the assignment. I thought i have been cheated. Hahaha..
And time has gone so fast. I was third grade. I’m going to faces
National Exam on May. But, i won’t tell about the National Exam in this story
because it isn’t too important. I would like to tell about him (again). So,
here is the story.
Actually, we haven’t been in conversation directly. Our
conversation is limited, only in facebook message or in text message. But
however, everynight we do it. Until we feel like a friend, he used to tell his story and I did the same. Sometimes, he gave me an advice, so i think he was more mature and
wise. I like a boy who is more wise and mature than me.
unfortunately, we had never had conversation in the class. We felt like a
stranger if we were in the class. Both of us are ashamed to have conversation,
even for greet each other. We were not as close as in the text message. I
didn’t know why he did it to me, but i tried to positive thinking. Maybe he
were shame. No more.
After we passed National Exam, all
of the students were break for almost one month, waiting for the result whether
we passed Vocational High School or we must repeat one year again. During that
time, we still do the conversation everynight. Yes, only everynight. He never
texted me in the morning, noon, nor afternoon. I have ever asked about this,
but he answered like “yess because my life is the same as a bat. Hahaha” . I
thought he was a vampire hahaha. But, i know that wasn’t the real reason.
However, i didn’t try to ask more. Maybe that is his privacy and if i forced
him to tell, it won’t be fair.
So, the most awaited day has
arrived! It’s the day of announcement would be announced! The result was: all
of the students in my school passed the exam. Yeay! It means that i’m going to
go to University. We have ever talked about our future plans. He told me that
he would get the job because he wants to help the economic in his family. Me as
his friend could only support what is his decision as long as it’s positive. Shortly, we have been in the ‘PDKT’ for
almost 3 months. And now, we are in relationship (still) for 25 months.
Eventhough sometimes we fight, we have different mind, different opinion, but
we can solve it very well. Eventhough we have ever almost break up, but we
still keep our love until now. Because when we are fighting its because of our
ego, not really from the heart. And i’m so happy because he can protect me,
treat me, and guide me very well. I’m kind of a girl who is really spoiled and
fussy, sometimes i can be very sensitive and emotional. But he always succees
to keep me calm down in every situation.
Slowly, he has changed. He left his
‘world’ from narcotics, drunk, alcohol and motorcycle gank. Because he has
realized, how his mom would be dissapointed if he still do those things? Just
for info, he really loves his mom. He often to sharing, tell the story, until
asks the tips with his mom. Such a weird boy! How can a boy like him, who was a
gangster, loves and treat his mom like an angel? So, if his
friends come home to invite drunk, he would refuse and find reasons to not to
He has ever told me,
will treat you like what my mom said. If i hurt you, it means that i hurt my
mom and my younger sister. Because you are the woman, that i should protect”
love you just the way you are. You don’t need to be the other people. I just
love you like this. Don’t ever change, baby”
I hope this relationship will be last long until the marriage. Save money to buy our own castle,
making some plans for our future, having kids, and become a good parents. Aamiin
*I made this story for Prose's task as the requirement before Final Exam. I was embarassed when i wrote this because i imagine how my lecturer (Ms. Movi) expression would be*
Monday, June 9, 2014
A long long time
Hello bloggies! It's very nice that i can greet you again. I just passed a lot of (ass)ignment (haha) as a requirement before faces final exam that will be held on June, 16. This week I'm counting down the days toward the final exam. Where people at my campus called it as 'silent day'.
Well, here i am. I have so many thought and idea right now, yeah the causes is because of i'm in a good mood. So, i can't stop to think which topics that i should have post in here. But, it doesn't take too long, because the ideas always come quickly when i saw photoshop's logo on my notebook. Yup, recently i made a poster for the event at my office. I was asked by Mr. Cahyo to made the poster. The name is "Simple Race of Indonesia". So, here is the poster
Well, above is the second poster. Actually i had made the other one before that.... but, it looks uninteresting. As Mr. Ade asked me to highlight the activity, not the venue.
Well, here i am. I have so many thought and idea right now, yeah the causes is because of i'm in a good mood. So, i can't stop to think which topics that i should have post in here. But, it doesn't take too long, because the ideas always come quickly when i saw photoshop's logo on my notebook. Yup, recently i made a poster for the event at my office. I was asked by Mr. Cahyo to made the poster. The name is "Simple Race of Indonesia". So, here is the poster
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I was stuck at that time. Didn't have any idea |
Well, above is the second poster. Actually i had made the other one before that.... but, it looks uninteresting. As Mr. Ade asked me to highlight the activity, not the venue.
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The first poster |
Both were made without any inspiration. It was naturally come from my mind. I didn't even have a time to think because the time was limited and it must be announced to the students a long before 24th of June. However, i felt satisfied because i can finished it on time.
So, which one is better? hehe.
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