Thursday, December 29, 2011

worst holiday ever

Yo, it's almost weekend guys (oh...and also worst holiday). Now is Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, and then Saturday, and after that....New Year!! Yeeeah let's said: WELCOME 2012 :D Huah i'm so excited for waiting that year (i don't know why) but i guess because in 2012 there are some great days and also exciting days not only for me, but also for all grade 3 students all over Indonesia. You know what is that? yess, U-A-N. My mom said that it will be held on middle April, but my school give information about March or whatever.... I don't know which is correct, but clearly...i don't wanna get-fully-stressed- because exam. I just tried to enjoy everything as long as i'm still being student, as long as i'm still wore uniform, as long as i'm still in Senior High School, and before i entered the busyness world of work (i'll be complicated). 

Talking about New Year, i don't have any resolution for 2012. If people are going to make a resolution for next year, honestly i feel so lazy to making resolution. For what? i think it's nonsense. Doesn't mean i'm never making resolution before, of course i had some resolution in previous year but the result? I forgot what I had planned. No, I didn't write them on paper. Everything is messed up. Yes i'm suck. I don't want too rely with resolution, just let it flow! But i don't want to judge that makes resolution is wrong, i told's just my principles. Back again on your choice.

Well yeah, forget about exam and resolution. Now, how about my holiday? okay don't ask me...Is over six days and i haven't got any plan to enjoyed my holiday. Actually Mr. Ade gave me advice to doing an internship but i still doubt. He told me that i could apply become waitress in a restaurant like Pizza Hut, McDonald, Hoka Hoka Bento, or etc, with purpose for adding my allowance and of course to fill my holiday (beside, to adding my experience he said) Honestly i really want, but i'm not sure :( I was in hesitancy at that time but my little heart saying 'NOT'. Just to let you know, i can't be in the crowded for a long time. Moreover, i'm lazy if i haven't friends who accompany me. I prefer stay at home then start to write something. I know it sucks haha, maybe i should waiting 3 or 4 years to get my bravery and after all, i can did it. (I hope so..)

Consequently, i through this week with full of boredom. Just stay at home all day long is made me crazy! Ya, i almost crazy. I'm not going anywhere except once (when Monday) i went to Bogor Trade Mall with my sister. Actually, i need to buy Raditya Dika's new book 'Manusia Setengah Salmon' but i realized that my money isn't enough (blame my mother! bsc she didn't give me an extra money). Finally my sister invites me to watch movies. She really wanna watch 'Garuda Di Dadaku II' but i'm not agree with her. I said that i don't like Indonesian movie, i better choose western movie because it more good and i can learning English from them. Hihihi yes i know, that's not good. Doesn't mean i don't love my country (hey, i was born in Indonesia), but in fact, imported movies are more preferred and good than Indonesian (too much weird and stupid horror in here. I don't like it huh). So, we cancel plans to watch the movie and switch to plan B: Shopping! 

Before shopping, we went to Mr.Baso for having lunch. My sister who recommended that place, she told me that the price isn't too expensive. I'm ordering bakso for lunch because it's very suitable for weather: cloudy and after raining. And my sister just ordering ice mix with kidney bean.

Bakso, the right choice for warm my body

Hmm...quite good :) i'm very satisfied with my lunch and my sister too. I'm full already...Alhamdulillah. Well, we leaving mr.baso and started to searching some stuffs.

My sister looking for a similar ring-like Tegoshi Yuya. She's very love him since watching 'My Boss My Hero' one of Japanesse drama. Haisss so difficult to find a ring like him! I'm pissed off at that time. My sister is too obsessed with that ck ck ck. 

Meanwhile, i've found the stuffs that i'm looking for....

pink ribbon for my head. It's so cute, isn't it?

And also i bought this...

Cutest book for my courses note yeaaah!. I like it! I also find -another-cute-book like that on rack. I get confused, which one should i choose? All of them are very interesting. But finally i took this one...

 In this way, i hope i'll be more eager to read my english notes haha Ameen :) For your info, i usually feels reluctant to open my note (another student problem i think) I don't know why. So, don't comment anything....!!

Another things that happen on my holiday is....nothing else! haha. I spent my time to watch movies that i've got from downloading. I've been watch 17 Again (uyeah i know it's old films), but so far...i enjoyed it. Zac Efron is too cute huaaa....i like the part when he advise Stan in cafetarian and embarrass him in front of other children.

[Mike tries to stand up to Stan's bullying for Alex]
Stan: "Give me my ball back bitch".
Mike: "You know Stan I feel sorry for you".
Stan: "You don't know me"  
Mike: "Oh, but I do all too well. You're the man. Captain of the basketball team, dates the pretty girls, high school is your kingdom. But people, Stan is a bully. Why? It'd be way too easy to say Stan preys on the weak simply because he's a dick. No... no... Stan here is much more complex than that. See, according to leading psychiatrists, Stan is a bully for one of three reasons..."
 [while playing with Stan's basketball
Mike: "One... underneath all that male bravado, there's an insecure little girl banging on the closet door trying to get out. Two... like a caveman, Stan's brain is underdeveloped. Therefore, Stan is unable to use self-control. And so he acts out aggressively. Three... Stan has a small wiener" Tsaaah....all of people are shouting hard. And finally, Mike said: "Don't hurt yourself, big boy"

I also like dialog when Ned complaining about Mark clothes:
Ned Gold: (looks at mike's clothes) "What are you wearing?"
Mike O' Donnell: "This is cool. This is hip. There's a picture of Kevin Federline wearing the exact same thing. What are you wearing? You're supposed to show up like a dad, you look like Clay Aiken!
I'm laughing so hard at that time wakakaka...two old man talking about their clothes and thinking they're bit like a young artist, Kevin Federline and Clay Aiken. Wtf? hahahaha...

Kevin Federline & Clay Aiken ihihi

Scarlet felt weird with Mark faces that are similar to her ex-husband

Scarlet and Mark when 17 years

I like to seeing American students when they're at school. Go to school without an uniform, wearing a big headset everywhere, singing alone so loudly, (they don't care what people said. And i imagine if it happen in Indonesia....haisss people would look at me very strangely and kept looking at me everyminutes. Wtf!), free lunch in the canteen, become cheerleaders, talking about party, dating, or etc. I think the schools over there are identical with basketball, and bullying. I don't know why, but clearly...I like it overall. And now, 17 Again become one of my favorite movies haha (i'm so late to realize), stop complain okay???? shut up..shut up...

Not only 17 Again, i also watch Eat, Pray, Love; and The Art of Getting By a.k.a Homework, and some of Korean drama. My internet connection is very nice for downloading, so I'm not upset anymore and getting streesed as before :D Oh ya, i suddenly remember about Scary Movie. Yess, i watch that film when Nadya and Heru comes to my house. We watching together in living room through my laptop and laughing my f*ck ass off so hard like crazy poeple when there's a funny and silly scenes. Eventhough the tittle is "Scary Movie", but i think it's NOT really really spooky. Instead there are many hilarious scenes and ridiculous in them. Huuahahahaha

So guys, that's my holiday. Insya Allah, next week i'm going to museum Bank Indonesia with my friends. I just tell about it with my mom and Alhamdulillah she allowed me to go. I hope it will be fun and become my day (ameen). Anyway, Happy New Year for you all and enjoy your New Year eve! Have a nice day :)

with love,

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