Friday, April 12, 2013

Past and Now

I remember when i was child, I followed my sister everytime she played with her friends and disturb her with my annoying act. I just wanted to join with them. I just wanted to have a lot of friend like my friends. But my sister hates me. My sister didn't want if I joined with her friend. She ignored me. Of course. She was angry.
"You are very annoying!!" she said.
"Go to your friends! Don't follow me!" she said again. 

I remember how was my sister's face at that time.
I cried. I told to my grandma. My grandma got angry, and my sister was scolded by her.  

But it just a past.. 
Years by years, it's not happen anymore between us. Because we are mature enough to understand 'what the meaning of sibling' . As long as getting older, we are become more closer than before.
My sister graduated from junior high school, senior high school, and time has gone so fast to brought her became (bachelor of science). Yeah, she graduated on December 2012 from Bogor Agricultural Institute. And i'm proud to have a sister like her!  

She understands me very much as her sibling. When i'm sad, she would ask me and I told her what actually happen or everything in my life. She gives me either advices or idea after that. And I do the same.. I'm willing to be her listener. We often share each other about little thing, secrets, history, and experience. 

And yeaah.. that's a short story about us. Actually so maaaaaanyyyy things that i want to share but i don't have much time to tell you.
 But anyway, I'm really grateful to Allah because he gave me a sister like her. I wish we would have a chance to seeing our children live together. Her little family and mine. I wish we could share each other about marriage, kids, and education to our children then. And i wish Allah gives us a time until those wishes become true.. Aamiin....

Left side: When we were kid | Right side: we are now

Some togetherness


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